Aquatic Research
Physiological Effects of an Acute Bout of Shallow Water Sprinting
Posted by Jane Diack on

Aquastrength is always looking at the latest research to develop evidence based functional fitness programs. Purpose: To compare heart rate, blood lactate, flexibility, perceived exertion and delayed onset muscle soreness in males sprinting inland and shallow water. Subjects and Methods: 20 subjects completed the study Each subject completed ten 9.1m (ten yard) sprints both in water and on land in randomized order. Heart rate, blood lactate, flexibility, and range of motion (ROM) were measured before and immediately after each condition. RPE was assessed immediately after exercise and DOMS was assessed at 24 hr and 48 hr post exercise. Subjects wore...
Short Term Aquatic Resistance Program Improves Strength & Body Composition
Posted by Jane Diack on
Aquastrength is always looking at the latest research to develop evidence based functional fitness programs" Purpose of Study: To analyze the effect of short term periodized aquatic resistance program on upper-limb maximum strength, leg muscle power and body composition in fit young men. Subjects and Methods: 12 subjects completed the study 7 subjects performed H20 Resistance Exercise 5 subjects control group (maintained their regular activities) The H20 group trained with aquatic drag devices with a controlled cadence of movement. Training volume and intensity were increased progressively. 3 days per week for 8 weeks. Conclusion: Significant increases in upper limb strength...